When you call for more info and if no answer please send me a text or voice mail your call is very important to us. I’ll be in touch with you within 24 hours Thank you
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*NOTE: If you do NOT have an account you must create one to register for any programs*

2022 Fall Soccer Season Registration
Returning Players: 1 Jun - 15 Jun 2022 (Keep your Jersey Number)
Open to the public 16 Jun - 30 Aug 2022
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS Must Submit your application by 15 Jul 2022.
1. Soccer development in Lawton is our #1 priority. 2. Central registration: online, payment plans.
3. Both boy and girl teams practice in one location on Fort Sill.
4. Certified Coaching Staff – supervised for player training continuity between age groups.
5. Background checks completed and updated every season on all coaches and volunteers.
6. Flexible player movement between Predators teams.
7. Player development: skills, sportsmanship, recreational and competitive opportunities, tournament opportunities, sensation of belonging to a club.
8. Club transparency: available for quick response to parent questions or concerns, provide accurate information concerning team formations, website offering in-depth information (mission statement, code of ethics, core values).
9. Parents are encouraged to be involved with their players team with opportunities such as: team manager, head coach, assistant coach.
10. Parents are also welcome to be part of the Predators Organizational Club Board: President & Vice, Treasurer, Registrar, Secretary, Director of Coach Development, Summer Camp Director, Director of Volunteers, Tournament Director.
11. We love having families involved with their player’s development BUT we caution our parents to let their children play, let our coaches coach and parents stay focused on the positive improvement achieved by their player. Our coaches believe that skills taught throughout a player’s development is the key to their success. In addition to our dedicated players, supportive parents and a commitment to our ideals Predators Soccer Club is #1 in parent satisfaction. UPC